Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My projects.....

Here is a few things I'm working on...

I have been putting together a book of Bible verses for my kids to learn...I'm almost done.I got this idea from this website http://www.kidstalkaboutgod.org/Ideas/BibleVersesForChildren/tabid/583/Default.aspx
This is the first verse we are working on..

"Children obey your parents in all things. This pleases the Lord."
Colossians 3:20

I will post pictures when it is all done.

Also I'm working on a Home Notebook that has alot of fun stuff for my family.
Daily things to do
Grocery list
Menu planning
Emergency info
Medical info
and much more:)
And I'm having so much fun putting it together. Can't wait to show you what it looks like.

On a bad note....we have bad weather coming again tomorrow.....I wished all this bad stuff would go away PLEASE!!!!! I totally freak out when it storms and it doesn't help my kids.

Hope all you wonderful ladies have a great Tuesday!!!!!! 



Laura said...

I think it is such a great idea to get kids memorizing scripture early on!

Anonymous said...

Super cute projects! Can't wait to see them!
Praying for you and the weather! Have a great day!